Post-Humanism, Mutual Aid
Dan McQuillan
Chapter from the book: Verdegem, P. 2021. AI for Everyone?: Critical Perspectives.
Chapter from the book: Verdegem, P. 2021. AI for Everyone?: Critical Perspectives.
This chapter commences with an in-depth exploration of the way the concrete computations of AI become entrained with unfairness and neoliberal politics. It will traverse from the operations of loss functions and optimisers at a tensor level to the ensuing discrimination, social ranking and administrative violence, making visible the ways in which AI becomes productive of both supremacism and the means by which to enact it. The second half of the chapter will propose ways in which machine learning can be reclaimed for the purposes of non-fascist living. Looking to a post-AI politics, the text challenges representationalism via Barad’s agential realism and puts forward a practical recomposition based on people’s and workers councils. The aim is to transform the character of AI from paranoid targeting to prefigurative relationality.
McQuillan, D. 2021. Post-Humanism, Mutual Aid. In: Verdegem, P (ed.), AI for Everyone?. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI:
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Published on Sept. 20, 2021